Saturday, March 21, 2020

Essential Personnel

Yeah, I have a new title at work.  And I've been coming home just worn down to a nub.  I drag in and just sit.  My mind is tired, my body is tired, and I'm not very creative or productive when I'm so worn down.

This weekend is a facility relocation, that I unsuccessfully tried to avoid.

Last weekend was a medical emergency and an ED trip for a family member.  I slept like I was dead Sunday morning, and didn't began to feel right until Tuesday am.

Ordered jumble

My world is a lot like that box.  A bit of a jumble but still recognizable.  Some important things are buried under other things.  One or two things are getting a bit rusty from lack of use. 

Well, I gotta get ready to run.  I had my daily ration of blinky milk, about a 1/3 of the way into my coffee cup and a few tools to pack for the relo work.  Wish me luck and health.

By the way...  This is home made.  Was that guy a machinist or what?!?!

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