Saturday, February 16, 2019

Sick Call!!!

Oh man.....  Mid January, wind change blew in juniper pollen...  That spurred a crazy cedar fever allergy attack..... That turned into a sinus infection.....  First miracle drug go round didn't fix it.  Second go round killed it, but an added kicker of a steroid for inflammation took me to the mat.  Dizzy, eye problems, blood sugar issues...  I mean, what the heck!  One full week on my back, and the next few moving around carefully. 

I went through a pile of snot tissue...  I can heartily recommend Kleenex with lotion.  If you remember the brown paper towels at school (made out of sawdust and hickory bark) that wiped a layer of skin off with each use, you'll thank me for that bit of advertising....

 I'll be back to my vices soon.... I hope!  (Vises?)  I'm still pretty weak and wimpy.... I haven't been this sick ever.  4 weeks.... dang...

Thanks to all three of you who read the blog for not giving up.