Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Tumico Stew

Moving on down the road on the Tumico Glue Clamps.  I bought a 5 dollar empty paint can at the H--- D---- today.  Brought it home, and dug out the gallon of acetone I've been saving for a year.

Insert neat story here:

My second semester at college, Texas Technical, I took chemistry.  It was heavy on organic chemistry.  I could map out all kinds of stuff when I was done there.  Did you know that all that junk on the ingredients label relates to how the OH chains attach to the C in the molecule??  It's kinda slick.

The prof was really a neat guy.  He said, "you will be spending a lot of time in the lab.  Don't just get caught up in the grind.  There is beauty in what  you are doing, be sure to watch for it."  So I did.  I didn't find it when I was titrating.  That NH3 was stout.  I had to run for a window, and elbow aside the lady near it to get some fresh cigarette smoke she left for me.  But later, my second semester lab revealed what he was talking about.  We were given a clear solution, and told there were three compounds in there.  We had to identify them.  I botched the first solution completely.  But the next week was dead week, so I got a chance to repeat the lab then.  I remember the third test, and this lovely cherry red ball appeared in the middle of the beaker.  It was streaming out that red from the center and looked for all the world like a melting cherry in water.  I stopped and stared for several minutes as it slowly streamed out, then whooped out loud, as that was the end of chemistry lab for me!

Take a look at the reflections in the can!!!  Is that cool or what?  Maybe not beautiful, but that is really something.

All nestled in the bottom with care.

Poured in some of this goodness:

And, thankfully, my tendency to hold on to stuff way too long saves money again.  I flushed the transmission out a couple years ago, and I couldn't just throw out what I caught, I mean, it was new!!!!!!  Into the new paint can to mix with the glue clamps and the acetone.

Here's the mix in the can:

Looks like tomato soup.  I bet it wouldn't make you well, though.

Now to soak for a couple days, or weeks.  I put the lid on and pounded it down lightly so it would seal.  Sorta like waiting for Christmas to unwrap a present.....


  1. Finders crossed.
    You can find out who paid attention in chemistry class when you hand them a container of liquid and say, "Smell this."

    1. Oh man, bad memory! Good warning though. Another blog post.
