Monday, August 8, 2022

Storage Ideas

Over on OldAfSarge's blog, I mentioned to Captain Courageous how I managed some of my small parts storage issues in the shop.  He is contemplating his new shop.  

Here is what I've used in the past, and I still like them.  These little black box organizers.

They are take out boxes from AceMart Restaurant Supply in San Antonio.  You can probably find them anywhere. Now you have to buy the tops separately. 

I said Costco, but I didn't see them on their website anymore. 

I use silver or gold Sharpie markers to label  the innards.  Stands out pretty well on the black plastic.  The yellow paint markers didn't work very well. With the lids, they stack fine. When they blow out due to overuse, or overload, replacement is cheap.  21 dollars for 50 tops and bottoms, that is 40 cents per container??  Not too bad.

I don't really like peg board anymore.  The pegs give me conniption fits.  They never stay, don't hold much, and reach out and grab me when I'm any where near them.

The green shelving was a rescue from the junk bin.  That was really a great score.  Thanks Hawk!  I wish I had more of the verticals as I have plenty of shelves.  They hold my supplies perfectly: not too deep, not too weak.


  1. Good ideas and the only pegboard left is on the garage walls.
    It works OK (ish) there, but the basement pegboard was removed years ago for the same reasons you mentioned.

    I still believe in the saying that goes something like this, "Belongings will expand to overfill any added storage space."

    It would make a big difference if I could train myself to put things away when I am done with them. I am slowly making progress about that.

    1. i guess you do what you know. I put all that peg board up, and now I wish I hadn't.

      I figured I "grew" to fill my container. Maybe overgrow is more accurate!

      Yes sir, that is a fault I carry too. I make little kits for work, or trays with parts and tools on them. The wind up with an empty tool box and upset trays and boxes all over. it's a life long struggle...

  2. The status and merit of a tradesman is not measured by his tool collection or even his finest work. It is measured by his junk drawer(s), and his collection of orphaned nuts, bolts and assemblies that have no other home.

    I suspect that Phil over at busted knuckles is a king among men...

    1. I should do a panorama.... but I'm not gonna... Too much like King Hezekiah.
