Wednesday, August 17, 2022

I have no ideer

 I have been worn out for days.  I can get a little done in the AM, but by 1300, I'm spent.  I have no idea what it is.  Maybe the 4 months of 100+ degree days?  Too much to do?  I have no clue.  Doctor checkup said no issues found.  I can't find my OBDII port to plug in the reader.  Maybe a change of scenery?  Dunno....

It is getting irritating...

See the source image


  1. I call it heat fatigue. When I was young, I could endure the heat all day. Now, about three hours in the heat is all I can stand. If I push it, I have to take a day off and not do much of anything to recuperate.

    1. I think you have something there. I don't get out in it much, but when I do, I'm shot through for a day or two. It is demoralizing...

  2. Replies
    1. That's the rub. I haven't done a durn thing to be that tired. Then, they said it was 'sposed to rain starting tomorrow for most of the week. The weather and I are welded together now. When it storms I wilt. It's just flat crazy, and if I forget to keep track, it'll sneak up and lay me out.
