Saturday, June 12, 2021

Soggy Sweltering Muggy

 For you guys that live way up north I thought I'd send you a warm, sultry greeting from down here in south Texas.  I pass this spot a few times every week.

It sure is a pretty place.


Down here, it feels like working in the Jolly Green Giant's armpit.  Or a nice, wet, wool blanket on hot asphalt in direct sunlight in Death Valley in August with some joker steam cleaning you...

I think every wrinkle I've ever had has been steamed out.  I probably look younger than ever.

I may send a note asking when I can come visit.  This is getting ridonkulous.


  1. You would probably consider it an improvement from down there but it's warm and muggy up here in Vancouverstan today too.

    1. All that yard work and muggy, too? We are in the same situation. I soak my socks and skivvies through by about 10 on the weekend, and slosh the rest of the day. I'm getting a bit tired of it.

  2. It look so nice and green. Thanks, humidity.

    Yes, yard work is a thrill (not) in the humidity. If it is not done by 0900 or after 1900, it is likely not to get done that day.

    1. I grew up in Lubbock county. I've worked outside in 112°, clear skies, and low humidity. Not uncomfortable when I was a youth. Just needed a bit of care with the water intake.

      Today, I walk from the house to the truck, and the heat is stabbing me with prickly pear cactus needles. I get irritated, and angry. The last few years have had a couple days like this in summer. So far this year, it's been like that more often than not. I don't know if I have changed too, or it's just the weather.

      We had a very wet spring, and I guess it's all boiling off now. We live in a blasted tea pot on a medium roll.

  3. Hmppppfpfpfpffffff!

    It seems like our blog host is goofing off again and playing hookey. Either that, or he has been sucked into a machine!

    Sound off STxAR! Don't make me come over there...

    1. Okay Glen, I took the licking. I'll do better. Thanks for checking up on me.
