Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Quality Assurance

 I'd thought about that plate and collar for a few days and nights...  Made sense to me.

Dropped the bundle off to the friend, and he said, "What is this stuff."

So, I drew a picture...  

"um.... you need to stop by, bud."

So, I essplained meself, and he liked what he saw.


Finished product.  

I love it when a plan comes together.  And most especially when the customer is happy.

Thanks for stopping by the shop.


  1. I know for sure that I didn't weld that.
    There aren't any holes, and the beads are regular.
    My welding only looks like that when I make the very last weld of a repair.
    {No, you can't make the last weld first. That's not the way this works!)

    Nice work.

    1. Well, the reason I had to be so specific with the instructions... is because I weld like a farmer. It's good enough, but not very pretty. And TIG is right out. I have an AHP, but I haven't been successful learning on my own.

      So, the friend is a welder. And a CWI. He's a sharp tack, no doubt.
